Determining the consumption level and bioavailability of zinc hydroxychloride based on the comparison of different levels of zinc hydroxychloride and zinc sulfate on the tibia. The treatments included diet without zinc supplement (control sample), three levels of zinc hydroxychloride and three levels of zinc sulfate. The results obtained after the birds were 42 days old showed that the highest live weight at the end of the breeding period belonged to the treatment of 90 mg/kg of zinc hydroxychloride, which compared to other treatments, except for the treatments of three zinc sulfate levels and 120 levels. mg/kg hydroxy zinc had a significant difference.​​​​​​​

Determining the level of consumption and bioavailability of zinc hydroxychloride nanosheets based on the performance of broiler chickens and bone ash​​​​​
Evaluating effects of zinc hydroxychloride on biomarkers of inflammation and intestinal integrity during feed restriction
Livestock are often challenged with transient periods of insufficient feed intake, which jeopardize animal performance and profitability. Recent ruminant literature has demonstrated deleterious effects of feed restriction (FR) on gut barrier integrity (Gäbel and Aschenbach, 2002; Zhang et al., 2013; Kvidera et al., 2017a,c), aphenomenon which had previously been well characterized in avian (Yamauchi et al., 1996; Gilani et al., 2018)
and monogastric species (Rodriguez et al., 1996; Boza et al., 1999; Pearce et al., 2013). Feed restriction negatively affects intestinal architecture as a consequence of decreased epithelial cell proliferation and migration and increased apoptosis (Ferraris and Carey, 2000). Furthermore, ...
Zinc hydroxychloride supplementation improves tibia bone development and intestinal health of broiler chickens
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of zinc (Zn), as a combination of oxide (ZnO) and sulfate (ZnSO4), compared with incremental levels of zinc hydroxychloride (ZH) on tibia traits, intestinal integrity, expression of selected jejunal genes, cecal short chain fatty acids and microbial composition in broilers...

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