
Bird Feed Supplement
Pet Feed Supplement
Livestock Feed Supplement
Aquatic Feed Supplement
Horse Feed Supplement

With the growth of the population, the nutritional needs in the world have increased and the preparation of healthy and nutritious food is considered a necessity. Production of healthy feed for livestock and poultry has a direct relationship with human food health. The role of the livestock and poultry industry as an active part among the agricultural and animal husbandry industries in all parts of the world is quite tangible, and the importance of the quality of the products of this industry in the human food cycle is also undeniable, and any negligence in the production of healthy feed for livestock and poultry causes Human food health will be endangered, we are going to say something about  Food supplements (dietary or nutritional supplements) are produced with the aim of providing substances that are not received in sufficient amounts of food. These supplements have different types and include vitamins, minerals, hearbel plants, proteins, etc The type and amount of minerals in livestock and poultry feed are naturally supplied from plant sources and have a direct relationship with the age and climate of plants, and depending on the type of livestock and poultry feed, its type and amount also vary. Due to the lack of feeding the livestock with fresh and young plants, especially in the cold seasons of the year, as well as the lack of land rich in all the elements needed by the body, the concentration of mineral elements needed by the body has decreased, and the lack of these elements should be provided by giving a balanced concentrate. In Iran, due to the fact that most of the regions are located in arid and semi-arid areas and the lack of feed-stuff in some seasons, as well as the occurrence of various environmental stresses and diseases, the growth and production performance of many sheep farms in Iran is not favorable. One of the ways to improve feed efficiency and consequently livestock production is using of low consumption elements as metabolic improving factors.

​About Us
We are proud to be the first producer of mineral nano supplements under the name of Hydroxy Chloride and the brand of Fararuy in our beloved country, and we have achieved the knowledge of producing this product based on advanced nano chemical technologies. This product is the third generation of mineral feed supplements for all kinds of light and heavy livestock, all kinds of poultry, aquatic animals, horses and all kinds of pets. With the slogan of nutritious, healthy and effective ...
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